Tithe.ly, our new online giving platform
Quick Link: https://tithe.ly/give?c=1338835
Instructions for Giving through a Web Browser:
1. Click the quick link above.
2. Enter amount.
3. Choose between General Fund or Building Fund.
4. Choose whether you want to make your gift recurring. If so, indicate how often and when the gift will recur.
5. Enter name, contact information, and billing information.
6. Choose whether you want to cover the transaction fees for your gift.
7. If you would like to create an account for easier future giving , choose Remember Me.
8. Once all information is entered, Give button will turn green and show the total you will be charged. This will include the fee if you choose to cover the fees.
9. Click Give.

Instructions for Giving through the Tithe.ly app:
1. Download the Tithe.ly app from your phone's app store.
2. Create a Tithe.ly account.
3. Search for Stockton Chinese Baptist Church.
4. Enter amount.
5. Choose between General Fund or Building Fund.
6. Choose whether you want to make your gift recurring. If so, indicate how often and when the gift will recur.
7. Enter billing information.
8. Choose whether you want to cover the transaction fees for your gift.
9. Enter billing address.
10. Enter phone number.
11. Once all information is entered, Give button will turn green and show the total you will be charged. This will include the fee if you choose to cover the fees.

12. Click Give.